Public Health Alerts:

No alerts at this time.

Severe Weather or Emergency Disaster Alert:

The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a weather alert for your area, make plans to keep you and your family safe. If you experience a pause of services or need services, please call us at 1-877-324-7543.

Driscoll Health Plan wants to make sure that you stay safe. It is important to have a plan before an emergency happens. You will need the plan during and after severe weather or an emergency disaster. Being prepared will reduce stress during the event.

When severe weather strikes South Texas, the main concerns are:
  • Loss of power
  • Flooding
  • High winds
  • Freezing temperatures and road hazards

Please note, our ability to assist during these times could be limited depending on the severity of the inclement weather.

Always stay informed.
Important information will be available in the following ways:
  • DHP Member Services Hotline: 1-877-324-7543
  • Text messaging
  • Through your service coordinator or case manager
  • Social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

If you have an emergency, please call 911.

For more information, visit the National Weather Service


Get up-to-date weather information.
Disaster Distress Helpline
SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year national hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to COVID-19. This toll-free, multilingual and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories.
To connect with a trained crisis counselor:
  • Call 1-800-985-5990. For Spanish, press option #2.
  • Text Talk With Us to 66746.

Emergency Local Shelters

Dates and times will vary depending on the need at time of the emergency.
Shelter Name Address Phone Number
Mission Mission Parks and Recreation Building 721 N. Bryan Road 956-580-8760
Pharr Zeke Martinez Gym at Rembrandt Early College High School 1200 East Kelly Road 956-283-0600
Mercedes Mercedes Dome Recreation Center 1202 N. Vermont 956-586-0190
Edinburg Dustin Michael Sekula Memorial Library 1906 S. Closner Blvd 956-383-6246
Alamo PSJA Memorial Early College High School 800 S. Alamo Road 956-354-2420
Shelter Name Address Phone Number
Brownsville Downtown Parks and Recreation Center 1338 E. 8th Street 956-546-2064
Harlingen Harlingen Community Center 201 E. Madison Ave.  956-216-5291
San Benito San Benito Community Center 210 E. Heywood Street  956-361-3804
Harlingen Loaves and Fishes Shelter 514 South E. St  956-423-1014
Shelter Name Address Phone Number
Laredo Casa De Misericordia 1000 Mier St, Laredo, TX 78040 956-712-9591
Laredo Bethany House of Laredo 817 Hidalgo St 956-722-4152
Shelter Name Address Phone Number
Robstown RMB Fairgrounds 1213 Terry Shamise Blvd. Robstown, Tx 361-387-9000
Shelter Name Address Phone Number
Victoria Salvation Army 1302 N Louis St 361-576-1297
Victoria Christ’s Kitchen 611 E Warren 361-578-4233
Victoria C3 Victory 1604 E Crestwood 361-573-5930
Shelter Name Address Phone Number
Rio Grande City Casa De Esperanza 804 E. Ringgold St 956-263-0562
Roma The 29th District Attorney’s Office;
Old A.S. Canavan Elementary
1334 4th St. 956-849-1717

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