You must take your DHP ID Card. Bring a list of medicines you are taking, including any herbal supplements. A list of health concerns. Medical records if you are a new patient.
You must take your DHP ID Card. Bring a list of medicines you are taking, including any herbal supplements. A list of health concerns. Medical records if you are a new patient.
If you lose your DHPID card, call us right away at 1-877-451-5598 to get a new one. We can mail you one right away. If you move or change phone numbers, call us so we can send you another ID card. We always need to have your correct address and phone number.
Our staff speaks English or Spanish and can help you with questions. We also have special services for people who have trouble reading, hearing, seeing, or speaking a language other than English or Spanish. You can ask for member materials in audio, larger print, Braille, and other languages. To get help, call our Member Services toll-free number on your ID card.
As soon as you have your new address, give it to the HHSC by calling 2-1-1, or updating your account on and calling Driscoll Health Plan Member Services at 1-877-451-5598. Before you get CHIP services in your new area, you must call Driscoll Health Plan Member Services, unless you need emergency services. You will continue to get care through Driscoll Health Plan until HHSC changes your address.
If you get a bill from your provider, call Member Services at 1-877-451-5598. We will contact the provider’s office and explain your benefits.