Mental Health and Substance Use Services for Adult Members

How to file a Member Appeal for a Denied Service

You have 60 calendar days from the date of the denial letter to submit a request for an Appeal. If you want to keep getting services, you must file an appeal. You must file your appeal on or before 10 business days after we mail the letter or before the Services end.

A request for an appeal can be made verbally. An appeal request form will be mailed with the denial letter, and we would like the form completed and returned. If your provider sends us the appeal, you or your representative will need to sign that request unless you need an emergency appeal. For facts about how to file this appeal using the form that was sent to you or to check on the status of the appeal, call Member Services toll-free at 1-877-324-7543 for help filing an appeal.

We will send you a letter within five (5) days of receiving your appeal, to let you know that we did receive it. We will complete the appeal review within 30 calendar days. If we need more time to review the appeal, we will send you a letter telling you why we need more time. You can also ask for more time to resolve the appeal. Your appeal can be extended up to 14 more days.

Request a Health Plan Appeal by either:

Filling out the “Health Plan Appeal Request Form” and mailing, emailing, or faxing it to:
Driscoll Health Plan
Quality Management Department
Attn: Member Appeals Team
4525 Ayers Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78415
Fax Number: 361-808-2186

Call Driscoll Health Plan at 1-877-324-7543; or
Emailing us at [email protected]

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