Mental Health and Substance Use Services for Adult Members
Driscoll Health Plan (DHP) fosters an environment of care that acknowledges and respects the culture, language, beliefs, and health literacy of Members and their families. DHP recognizes that these factors affect the health and well-being of our members, and strives to ensure that its services meet the challenging needs of an increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse populations, advance health equity among its members and achieve quality outcomes.
DHP will ensure the effective delivery of services in a manner that respects Members linguistic needs, diverse cultural, racial and ethnic backgrounds, religion and religious preference(s), disabilities, and gender and preferred gender. DHP will monitor and assess member needs through the direct and indirect data collected on its membership, and ensures that Providers and Staff appreciate the customs, values, beliefs and abilities of its membership in the subsequent delivery of care and services.
DHP is committed to identifying and addressing health disparities among our Members and actively works with community resources to reduce inequalities in healthcare delivery caused by a lack of awareness or understanding of cultural and language differences, gender identity, and social and economic disparities. DHP partners with several community organizations that assist us in delivering health care messages to our members within hidden communities who are often underserved by community services and public infrastructure. DHP participates in and sponsors numerous programs to benefit these communities, such as providing community health screenings.
The vendor drug program manages the state Medicaid and CHIP formularies. The website is a great resource to determine if a medication is formulary or to determine which MCOs have implemented a prior authorization.
Texas Health & Human Services News Texas Health Steps Provider InformationPlease contact our representatives for support with member eligibility, benefits, prior authorizations, claims or other provider services.